On 19th of April 2023 Turiba University organised XXIV International Scientific Conference “Change – the basis of a sustainable society”. The Conference was hosted by the Law faculty which is implementing ERAMSUS+ SECUREU project. Conference was organised in cooperation with this project and its experts as main focus of it was security and changes. Security and security risk management is currently one of the most pressing topics both in the field of higher education and in the region as a whole.
During the conference various security experts from Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Denmark discussed security challenges of the region and future perspectives. Two SECUREU project key exerts also took part at the conference – Turība University lecturer Uģis Začs and Kazimieras Simonavičius University professor Raimundas Kalesnykas. Both experts presented their researches carried out within the SECUREU project.
Conference recording is available on Turiba Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Biznesa.augstskola.Turiba/videos/199607742832320
Conference language – English and Latvian.