In this section you will find video lessons related to security and safety as well as security risk management. Each video lesson is 10-20 minutes long. Students can use these video lessons for self-study, teachers can use them as illustrative and educative materials for lessons and home assignments.
UĢIS ZAČS, Lecturer of Turiba University, Latvia
This lesson will give you an introduction about security and why it is important to plan, asses and pay attention to security topics in your organisation or company. In the video you will learn about the most typical mistakes which organisations make when they think about their security.
KACI BOURDACHE, LAUREA University of Applied Sciences, Finland
What is physical security, main definitions and why it is important in today’s world. In this video lesson you will learn what aspects should be taken into account when planning physical security in the organisation.
KĀRLIS APALUPS, Board member of Association of Security Professionals of Latvia, Lecturer of Turiba University
Security risk management is an essential part of organizational security, because it assesses the potential threats to a particular organization and ideally mitigates or prevents them. This video involves the basic principles of Security risk management, the ISO 31000 standards, risk matrix and possible tools for risk identification and mitigation.
ISO 31000 and security management Part I
BERT BAMBACH, Lecturer of Avans University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
This video explains what the ISO 31000 entails, why security students should know about the ISO 31000 and how the ISO 31000 can be applied for Security Management.
ISO 31000 and security management Part II
BERT BAMBACH, Lecturer of Avans University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
This video explains why ISO 31000 should be used in the field of Security Management, gives an overview of advantages and disadvantages of working with ISO 31000 and provides insight in how ISO 31000 can be applied for Security Management.
Security risk management: Scope, Context, Risk criteria
RAIMUNDAS KALESNYKAS, Lecturer of Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania
This video will help to understand where to start when assessing the scope of security risk management for an organization in the line of ISO 31000. You will get familiar with the requirements and importance of establishing the context of organization to manage security risks.
Hybrid threats in the process of security risk management
RAIMUNDAS KALESNYKAS, Lecturer of Kazimieras Simonavičius University, Lithuania
This video will provide the knowledge about hybrid threats as a source of risk in security management process. Lecturer presents the case of the instrumentalization of migration – risk to EU security.
Soft skills for security risk management
KRISTINA NESTEROVA, Turiba University lecturer
What are soft skills and what is the difference between soft and hard skills? Which soft skills are vital for security professionals? Learn more about it in this video.
Human Resilience
What is human resilience? Let’s talk about fear, indifference and relaxation. What we need to know about human resilience when we talk about security in our organisation?
Crisis Management
ENSIEH ROUD, Associate Professor at Nord University
What is crisis? What are the attributes and properties of crisis? This video will also explain crisis typology. You will learn about crisis management in the organization. Also will get an introduction into the best case example – Gjerdrum landslide.
Prevention of sexual violence in a nightclub (risk assessment according to ISO 31000)
Risk assessment in relation to prohibited acts of a sexual nature, such as harassment, sexual abuse/aggression in crowds and large events such as nightclubs or music festivals, involves not only private security but also public authorities. Therefore, it is relevant to adapt the risk assessment according to ISO 31000 to the specific law applied. This video examines best practices for improving safety and minimising sexual violence in a nightclub.
ISO 31000 applied for risk management of drownings
Drowning is a concern for public health authorities. It occurs in many different places such as the sea, rivers, swimming pools, beaches, etc. This video tries to analyze globally the common general risks related to drowning and apply ISO 31000 to give some clear basic guidelines to the public authorities from a European perspective point of view that each country will have to adapt to its own circumstances using ISO.
Collaboration in event safety and security risk prevention: Case Ruisrock
ANJA AATSINKI, Lecturer of Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
This video gives insight in Case Ruisrock. Ruisrock is a rock festival held annually on the island of Ruissalo in Turku, Finland. Video explains the importance and process of collaboration in event safety and security. Presented model is used by South-West Finland´s authorities when collaborating with event organizers and the process follows ISO 31000:2018 risk management process.
Energy Security
JAVAD KEYPOUR, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
This video lecture provides insights into the energy security. It was filmed as part of the NORDPLUS Intensive Course “Security Risk management”. The course took place in Riga, August 2024, hosting 30 students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway and Finland. Project number: NPHE-2024/10358.

Watch this video about the SECUREU project and learn more about our activities and initiatives.