On April 11, the Association of Security Professionals held the largest event dedicated to the security of organizations in the Baltics – the Baltic Security Conference 2024. During the conference, visitors had the opportunity to listen to the speech of Kaci Bourdache, the partner of the ERASMUS+ cooperation partnership project SECUREU led by Turiba University.
At the Baltic Security Conference 2024, one of our project experts from Finland, Kaci Bourdache (Laurea University of Applied Sciences) presented the project and talk about the skills and competences of young security specialists. Kaci emphasized common trends in all project member states – the project’s research shows that the profile of a security specialist is changing and the requirements for knowledge and competences are only expanding. In addition to the professional knowledge, understanding of the latest technologies, cyber security, organizations and companies are requiring for a security specialist to have good soft skills, strategic thinking, knowledge of company management and business continuity.
The theme of this year’s Conference 2024 was “Effective Security Management”. This year, in addition to the usual topics in such areas of security as physical and technical security, cyber security and information security, labour protection and well-being, fire safety and civil protection, topics that have recently gained great relevance – financial and telecommunications fraud, general crisis management – were discussed.